Autumn Meeting Results

Last weekend brought the second half of the 2021 Autumn Meeting. This meeting consists of two majors, the Bathgate Challenge Cup and the Mackenzie Challenge Cup, played over two weekends.

The winner of the Bathgate was Keith McDonald (87 - 20 = 67), on countback to Dave Paul (72 - 5 = 67) and the winner of the Mackenzie was Conan Bailey with a magnificent score of 77 - 14 = 63, four shots ahead of George Simmonds (80 - 13 = 67).

Congratulations to Aaron Stewart for winning the 2021 Autumn Scratch, awarded to the best gross score over the two major competitions in the Autumn Meeting, with two great rounds of 73 and 75, totalling 148. Finally, another congratulations to George Simmonds for winning the 2021 Captains Prize, given to the best nett score over the Autumn Meeting. George’s two consistent 67s were enough to get his hands on the prize, picked specifically by the Captain.