2019-20 knockouts

The sheets are now up to sign up for the 2019-20 knockout competitions. We are also announcing some new rules for this year. 

In recent years, we have tried to be a bit more flexible with deadlines to encourage more people to enter the knockouts. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to have worked as well as we'd hoped with three finals this year 'missing' the Club Supper. This coupled with one of last year's finals not getting played until September has forced us to change back to a more rigorous structure with regards dates and responsibility of contact. The new rules are as follows:

1. There will be clear 'play by' dates for all rounds from the start of the competition.
2. The player(s) listed first (top) in the draw for each match will be responsible for getting in touch with their opponent and will need to offer three dates to play their match, including weekend dates (and not consecutive dates).

Of course, the 'bottom' player can still make contact (and we encourage this) but by assigning main responsibility to one of the players, we hope this will avoid situations where each player waits for the other to make contact. If a match has not been played by the deadline for that round, the handicap convener (Nick Sharp) will determine who progresses based on the contact made and attempts to arrange the game.

In our experience, most of the issues with games (not) being played are due to players not being proactive in arranging them at an early enough stage. So please make contact to arrange your matches as soon as your opponent is known this year. And please also sign up to enter the competitions quickly as this will allow us to make the draws early and allow more time for each round.

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