Visit from National Rifle Association

London Scottish GC hosted three distinguished guests from the National Rifle Association (NRA) at Bisley on 15 October. Before Bisley became the national centre for rifle shooting in 1890, Wimbledon Common was its previous HQ, and the histories of the NRA and London Scottish are intertwined.

In the morning, LSGC members David Shannon, Bill Foster and Peter Mason were shown around Bisley, where they saw various artefacts connected with London Scottish, including the original 'running deer' that acted as a shooting target pulled across what is now our fourth fairway.

In the afternoon, the three NRA members - John Webster (NRA chairman), Wing Commander David Calvert (three-times winner of the most prestigious competition in rifle shooting, the Queens Prize), and Tim Webster (also a successful national shooter) - had lunch in our clubhouse followed by a round of golf, during which they saw the various points of our course that were once rifle ranges. LSGC won an informal match against the NRA visitors, and John Webster won a prize for the best round.

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