Seniors update

Thursday 20th December 2018 saw 25 senior members participating in the seasonal Christmas Candelabra, the end of year celebration of the seniors section. After a hotly contested competition, the winner was Fazil Rafice with 39 points. In 2nd place was Charles Attlee (38 points) and in 3rd was Ken Ingram (37 points). Afterwards the members sat down to a traditional Christmas Dinner and it was nice to see so many of the past Captains also present. 

On Thursday 31 January, we play a home match against Wimbledon Common GC. Any senior members who wish to play in this match please put your name down on the request sheet on the Seniors Notice Board or speak to John Cottle.

New for 2019, all senior competitions shown in the club diary will be open to all members of the senior section and can be played anytime on the day of the competition on payment of the competition fee.

Lastly, the Senior members wish all the members of the London Scottish Golf Club and their family and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2019.

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