The club's Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 24 March. Please mark the date in your diary and do your best to attend.
The club's constitution states that any applications to join the committee, or motions to raise at the meeting, must be submitted 42 days in advance of the AGM. This means a deadline of this Saturday (10 February).
We welcome applications to join the committee. It's important for the health of the club to attract committee members from across the membership, reflecting a wide range of backgrounds, skills and expertise. If you would like to stand for election to the committee you need to be put forward by a proposer and a seconder from the membership. Forms can be picked up by Steve Barr and completed forms should also be returned to him. If you would like to stand but are unable to get to the club by 10 February please email And if you would like more information on what joining the committee involves you can also email the same address.
Similarly, any motions you wish to put forward for a vote at the AGM should be submitted to Steve by Saturday. You can also email the club if you wish to submit a motion but are unable to do this in person by Saturday.
While there have been details of the above information on the club noticeboards, we realise that this is not always seen by the members. As such, we will endeavour to provide more notice by email of the deadlines attached to the AGM in future.